Eyelid Lift

Are you tired of looking tired even when you are not? Have your eyes drooped and sagged with age?

You might want to consider eye lift surgery.

Eye lift surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic or elective procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

It provides a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of the eyes, making you look more rested and alert. Eyelid lift surgery is designed to reduce bagginess from lower eyelids and to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids.

It is one of the most effective facial treatments to enhance sight in older people whose sagging in the upper eyelids get in the way of the vision.

As skin ages, it gradually loses its elasticity. The effect of gravity and lack of elasticity causes excessive skin to build on the upper and lower eyelids, which lead to formation of wrinkles and bulges.

On the upper eyelids, an extra fold of skin can hang over the eyelashes and distort the way of seeing. Eyelid lift can greatly improve your facial appearance and build your self confidence.

The eyelid lift may be carried out in conjunction with other facial surgery such as facelift to achieve maximal facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Dinev possesses excellent artistic skills and expertise to give you a more youthful, rested appearance with results that look natural.

Eyelid lift treatment can be performed in conjunction with laser resurfacing of eyelids, fillers or lifting. When eyelift is carried out alone, local or general anesthesia is usually local and general anesthesia.

Incisions are made in the folds and nearby the eyelashes (at the lower eyelid) which make the scars virtually invisible. The procedure can also target fatty pockets in “sacs under the eyes” by tightening the orbicular muscle.

Benefits of Eyelid Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

Eyes are one of the facial features to exhibit the first signs of ageing. Many people may feel self-conscious about wrinkles or sagging skin that collect around the eyelids. With eyelid lift surgery, you will witness a number of anesthetic benefits, from a refreshed look to an improved vision.

  •     Refreshed and youthful appearance
  •     Renewed confidence and reversing signs of ageing in the eye region
  •     Removal of excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid
  •     Great improvement in eye sight
  •     Correction of eye droopiness

Preparing for Eyelid Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

During the consultation meeting with Dr. Dinev you will learn about the procedure details and how to be best prepared for eyelid lift surgery. You may be asked to get blood testing or a medical evaluation prior to the surgery. The doctor may also ask you to stop smoking well in advance of eyelid lift surgery.

  • One month before Eyelid Lift Surgery

Stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E. You are strongly advised to stop smoking completely.

  • One week before Eyelid Lift Surgery

Continue following the above mentioned instructions. Attend the pre-consultation session. You may be asked to complete blood tests and cardiac evaluation.

  • One day before Eyelid Lift Surgery

Do not ingest any food or drink after the time set by your surgeon.

  • Morning of Eyelid Lift Surgery

Do not wear makeup of any kind on the day of surgery. Make sure you have someone to accompany you to transport you home and look after you during the first several hours after you are released following surgery.

  • Day after Eyelid Lift Surgery

For 24 hours after eyelid lift surgery, keep ice water soaked pads on your eyes. Pads should be soaking wet as it helps minimize bruising.

  • One week after Eyelid Lift Surgery

You are likely to have some pain, discomfort, swelling or bruising after the procedure. You may feel fatigued. In some instances, patients experience nausea or vomiting. Dr. Dinev will provide you with a prescription to combat nausea if needed.

  • One month after Eyelid Lift Surgery

After one month, you will notice a brighter, less tired look resulting from improved upper lid hooding as well as better resolution of undereye circles and bags.

Recovering from Eyelid Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

Your eyes and surrounding areas will be swollen and will have some bruising. That’s normal. The swelling may increase during the first 48 hours after the surgery and will gradually subside thereafter. For the first seven to ten days, you may experience sticky, dry and itchy sensation in your eyes.

Dr. Dinev will show you how to clean the eyes area or how to use eye drops. Make sure to keep your head elevated as much as possible for two to three days after surgery to minimize swelling and help a speedy recovery.

To ease swelling, apply gauze soaked in ice water to your eyes during the first evening after surgery. Sensitivity to bright light, blurred vision may occur for a short period of time during the first few weeks after eyelid lift surgery.

The doctor will develop a schedule and set of instructions to follow during your post-operative care until the date of your follow-up meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions for Eyelid Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

Below are some of the commonly asked questions about eyelid lift surgery. Dr. Dinev will discuss all the details about  eyelid lift surgery in Bulgaria during your initial consultation session.

How long will I be in surgery?

Eyelid lift surgery usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the extent of the treatment and whether the upper or lower eyelids are performed. The upper eyelids take about 25 minutes to perform while the lower eyelids procedure typically takes slightly longer to perform, roughly about 40 minutes.

How long will I need to stay in Bulgaria after my surgery?

It is best to stay in Bulgaria the first 3 to 6 days after eyelid lift procedure. Take this opportunity to catch on your sleep, relax or recuperate in the natural beauty of Bulgaria.

Avoid any interruptions which may cause you stress. It is also advisable to abstain from engaging in activities that raise your blood pressure, including vigorous sport, bending or lifting. With upper eyelid surgery, you will be to go back to work by 5-7 days. Lower eyelids take more time to settle and therefore you probably would need about 7-10 days off.

How long before I see results from my Eyelid Lift?

Recovering from eyelid lift surgery is a gradual process and scars might remain slightly pink for six months after the treatment. Eventually, they will subside, nearly invisible white line. You will be able to see the more alert and youthful look, which will last for years. For most patients, these results are permanent.

Will my incisions from Eyelid Lift be visible?

In eyelid lift procedure, the incision is made inside the patient’s lower eyelid, leaving no visible scar. Blepharoplasty scars are virtually invisible. The upper eyelid incision is made in the natural crease. The lower eyelid incision is usually placed in a wrinkle just below the lash line, or inside the lower eyelid where it is inconspicuous.