Arm Lift

Arm lift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to remove loose skin and excess fat existing under the arms. Fluctuations in weight, aging and even heredity can cause upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. Also known as brachioplasty, arm lift reshapes the under portion of the upper arm.

The treatment tightens the skin and tones tissue and muscle to give your arm smooth and well-defined contours. Many people tried to strengthen and enhance the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but failed to target excess skin that has lost elasticity or underlying weakened tissues and fat deposits. Dr. Dinev will remove the excess skin and tissue that didn’t respond to exercise and reveal a much sleeker, toned shape.

Benefits of Arm Lift in Bulgaria

An arm lift procedure, efficiently performed by Dr. Dinev, can accentuate the aesthetic appeal of your arms by giving you greater contour and enhanced definition. This can also result in a remarkable boost to your self-confidence.

  •     Reduces Excess Skin and Fat of the Underarm
  •     Reshapes your Arm to Result in Smoother Skin
  •     Re-toned and Proportionate Appearance

Preparing for Arm Lift in Bulgaria

Dr. Dinev may suggest you take certain medications or adjust ones you are currently on prior to the procedure. Most patients considering arm lift should avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements to reduce risk of increased bleeding.

It is strongly advised to stop smoking well before your arm lift surgery. The doctor will fully explain the risks associated with an arm lift and will develop custom tailored treatment plan to get the best possible result.

  • One month before Arm Lift

Stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E. Stop smoking completely.

  • One week before Arm Lift

Complete blood tests and cardiac evaluation.

  • One day before Arm Lift

Do not ingest any food or drink after the time set by your surgeon. Pack a bag with comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothes.

  • Morning of Arm Lift

Shower or bathe normally. Do not use body lotions.

  • Day after Arm Lift

Postoperative pain varies considerably with each person. The average patient undergoing arm lift will require a few days of oral pain medication to alleviate discomfort.

  • One week after Arm Lift

Over a period of 7-10 days, most people resolve the majority of their postoperative pain.

  • One month after Arm Lift

Normal function of the arms and hands returns over a couple of weeks. Smoking and second-hand smoke should be avoided which may impair the healing process.

Recovering from Arm Lift in Bulgaria

Your arms will feel ‘tight’, but you will be able to bend them. You should avoid any type of weight lifting work out for 4 weeks after arm lift surgery. You are advised to walk after surgery and to do light aerobic exercise one week after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions for Arm Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

How long will I be in surgery?

Arm lift surgery can last approximately between 3-4 hours.

How long will I need to stay in Bulgaria after my surgery?

Recovering from arm lift surgery is gradual. Most patients return to their normal routine after two weeks from arm lift. However, for the first 4 weeks of your arm lift you will need to restrict the movement of your arms and to avoid strenuous physical activity as well as heavy lifting.

How long before I see results from my Arm Lift?

Once the arm lift surgery is performed, patients will start noticing changes in their arms immediately. Patients will experience some swelling for several weeks.

Will my incisions from Arm Lift surgery be visible?

Incisions made in arm lift are usually placed on the inside of the arm that typically extends from the axillary fold in the elbow to the underarm, depending on each patient’s situation.