Tummy Tuck

The imagery of a well-toned, flat and youthful tummy is something we are desire. However age, child bearing, lack of exercise and weight gain can take a toll on the tummy, leaving it with loose skin and excess fat deposits.

The physical and aesthetic attribution of having a well-defined abdomen is something many of us strive for through exercise and weight control. Sometimes these methods cannot meet our goals or expectations. Tummy tuck is an excellent plastic surgery option to remove excess abdominal skin and fat and attain a flatter stomach.

Abdominoplasty in Bulgaria is a common body-contouring procedure in men and women. It is extremely helpful for patients who are bothered by large fat deposits or loose skin that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise.

Tummy tuck has proven to be successful for women who had one or more children and were left with lax lower abdominal musculature. Patients who have lost substantive amount of weight and have loose hanging skin can take advantage of tummy tuck.

Dr. Dinev is recognized as an expert in abdominal contouring surgery. He will tailor your tummy tuck surgery to your specific needs after thoroughly discussing your options during your consultation meeting. Dr. Dinev comprehensive and detail-oriented approach provides patients with the youthful, flattened and narrowed waistline they desire.

Most tummy tuck related surgery treatments are performed under general anesthesia to maintain maximal safety and minimal discomfort. Dr. Dinev usually start the procedure with liposuction performed around entire waistline.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck in Bulgaria

The benefits of tummy tucks are more plentiful than most people realize. Excess skin removal and the tightening of abdominal muscles will give your tummy a flatter, firmer appearance in addition to reducing the width of your waistline. Additional emotional benefits include a significant boost in self-confidence.

  • Healthier Appearance
  • Vibrant Lifestyle
  • Back Pain Relief
  • Slimmer and Youthful Abdominal Appearance

Preparing for Tummy Tuck in Bulgaria

In order to avoid the risks experienced before and after abdominoplasty surgery, there are certain pre-surgery instructions and tips- which will be discussed with the doctor in greater detail -you can follow.

When carefully preparing for tummy tuck surgery, you can be assured that you will receive full benefits and recovery time will free of complications.

Although all instructions will be discussed with Dr. Dinev, there are general guidelines to follow which may include eating a balanced diet, taking vitamins, stopping smoking and making arrangement for someone to take care of you after the surgery.

  • One month before Tummy Tuck
    Stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E.
  • One week before Tummy Tuck
    Do not consume alcohol for 1 week before tummy tuck surgery.
  • One day before Tummy Tuck
    Do not ingest any food or liquids after the time set by the doctor. Make sure you pack a bag with comfortable shoes and clothing that zips or buttons.
  • Morning of surgery – Tummy Tuck
    You can shower and shampoo the morning of tummy tuck surgery. Do not wear makeup, hair sprays, gels or nail polish. Be sure to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing.
  • One day after Tummy Tuck
    The doctor will schedule your next follow up appointment. You will be supplied with a compression garment to be worn for period of 4 weeks after the tummy tuck surgery.
  • One week after Tummy Tuck
    You are advised not to take a bath, hot tub or swim for two weeks.
  • One month after Tummy Tuck
    Avoid getting involved in strenuous activities, carrying heavy weight and exercise at least one month post the procedure.

Recovering from Tummy Tuck in Bulgaria

The length of recovery from tummy tuck depends on the extent of skin removed and type of incision used during treatment. There can be noticeable soreness and discomfort for the first 2-3 days, mainly from the liposuction. This can be alleviated with pain medicines. It is important to note that although the discomfort of the surgery can subside quickly, tummy tuck patients might feel fatigued for a short period of time.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Bulgaria

It is highly recommended to read answers to common tummy tuck surgery questions. This will give you a clear and conductive insight into the surgical techniques, incisions used and surgery results.

How long will I be in surgery?

Typically, tummy tuck can take between 45 minutes to 3 hours. The duration of tummy tuck surgery in Bulgaria depends on the complexity of the patient’s unique case and the technique Dr. Dinev employs in the treatment. For most patients, Dr. Dinev often performs a tummy tuck in approximately one and a half to two hours.

How long will I need to stay in Bulgaria after my surgery?

An overnight stay following a tummy tuck provides comfort and peace of mind to patients. The next follow-up appointment is usually scheduled for 2 days after surgery date to monitor patient’s progress. Patients are advised to stay in Bulgaria from 3 to 6 days in order for Dr. Dinev to follow up on the procedure results and ensure you have a successful recovery period.

How long before I see results from my Tummy Tuck?

After your tummy tuck surgery in Bulgaria, you will witness a noticeable difference in the shape of your body. However, improvement of your tummy tuck surgery will gradually continue to become more obvious after 3 weeks, when a significant amount of swelling and bruising have subsided.

In 6 months period, you will be pleased to see the final results. By managing a healthy eating routine and regular work-out, you will be able to maintain the shape of your body and the results will remain permanent.

Will my incisions from Tummy Tuck be visible?

Dr. Dinev takes pride in using the least minimal of incisions to achieve the most natural-looking results. The type of incision used during tummy tuck is usually placed low enough to be easily concealed by bathing suit.