Ear Pinning

Ears come in all shapes and sizes.  Some patients are uncomfortable with having prominent or protruding ears and opt for ear pinning surgery.

Sometimes young children with protruding ears may endure emotional stress or taunting remarks from peers at school. Adults may also suffer from protruding ears due to an injury, trauma or have been born with large ears.

Are you bothered by the protruding appearance of your ears? You might be a candidate for ear pinning in Bulgaria.

Ear pinning, also known as otoplasty, is a plastic surgery treatment designed to improve the shape, size, position and/or proportion of the ear.

Ear surgery can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present since birth that becomes obvious with development.

It can also repair misshapen ears caused by injury.

Dr. Dinev is a qualified, experienced and certified plastic surgeon. He specializes in all cosmetic procedures related to the head and neck, such as ear pinning, nose surgery and facelifts. He works to help maintain and ensure the highest standards of plastic surgery practice in regards to clinical operations and artistic approach.

Dr. Dinev performs ear pinning procedure by creating a natural shape of the ears while bringing them in balance and in symmetrical proportion with the face.

The particular treatment technique used by Dr. Dinev will depend on the nature of the problem and other factors including your appearance goals. The doctor will carefully select the most appropriate surgical methods to obtain the best outcome for you.

If your problem is protruding ears, the doctor will reshape the supporting tissues of the ear, called cartilage, to re-position your ears closer to your head.

This is usually achieved through incision placed behind the ears, where they will heal in a more undetectable manner. The scarring will be concealed in the natural skin crease.

Subtle changes or correction of minor deformities can have significant benefits to one’s appearance and self-esteem.

Dr. Dinev operates two plastic surgery clinics in Bulgaria, in Sofia and Varna. Choose the most convenient location to undergo your ear pinning procedure in Bulgaria.

Benefits of Ear Pinning in Bulgaria

Ear pinning is one of the few cosmetic surgery treatments that can be performed for young children and adults. Using advanced surgical methods, Dr. Dinev can correct ears that protrude too far from the head, are oversized, or appear asymmetrical. Adults and children can avail of ear surgery chief benefits.

  • Improved self esteem
  • Enhanced facial appearance
  • Shorter recovery time than most cosmetic surgical procedures

Preparing for Ear Pinning in Bulgaria

During your consultation session, the doctor will review your medical history, run a physical exam and discuss your expectations and appearance goals.

You might be asked to stop smoking before surgery to avoid decrease in blood flow of the skin.

  • One month before Ear Pinning

You may be asked to stop taking medicines such as Aspirin and Vitamin E. Stop smoking completely.

  • One week before Ear Pinning

Dr. Dinev will provide you with additional preoperative instructions.

  • One day before Ear Pinning

Do not ingest any food or drink after the time advised by your surgeon.

  • Morning of Ear Pinning

Shower or bathe normally. Do not apply any facial creams or use makeup.

  • Day after Ear Pinning

The first 24 hours, patients wear a mild compression garment on the head. Ears may appear larger and more swollen than normal during the first couple of days after ear pinning.

  • One week after Ear Pinning

During the first week, some patients will be able to return to work and their routine activity.

Frequently Asked Questions for Ear Pinning in Bulgaria

How long will I be in surgery?

Typically otoplasty surgery takes about two hours.

How long will I need to stay in Bulgaria after my surgery?

Most patients stay in Bulgaria about seven to ten days following ear pinning surgery. After that period, it is ok to fly or travel long distances.

How long before I see results from my Ear Pinning?

After the ear surgery, inflammation will take several weeks to subside but will begin to observe results the third week. The final results of ear surgery will be completely visible within 6 months.

Will my incisions from Ear Pinning be visible?

Dr. Deniv uses the least invasive treatment methods. The incisions made during ear surgery are scrupulously performed along the natural crease behind the ear, leaving no visible scars or after-surgery marks.