Brow Lift

The natural effects of gravity cause the skin around the eyes to sag and wrinkle, which may make you look sad, tired and angry.

Brow lift in Bulgaria-also known as forehead lift- is a popular procedure designed to correct the effects of gravity in the skin across the forehead and brow, upper eyelids and eyebrows streamlining the appearance of facial features and shaping a more youthful and an overall appealing appearance.

A brow lift procedure is designed to elevate the lateral component of the brow, eliminating that startled look. Dr. Dinev utilizes innovative techniques to minimize signs of aging around the eyes in the endoscopic brow lift. Brow lift surgery is a popular option for people who have drooping eyebrows, frown lines and wrinkles across the forehead which are all contributing toward your face showing a tired or sleepy appearance.

Benefits of Brow Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

  • Smoothes sagging, loose skin around the brow and eyelids
  • Reduces puffiness or bulging around upper or lower eyelids
  • Returns your brow to youthful, natural appearance
  • Eliminates crow’s-feet wrinkles and signs of aging around the eyes

Preparing for Brow Lift in Bulgaria

Preparing ahead of time for any cosmetic treatment is very important. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of Dr. Dinev, both before and after your brow lift surgery in Bulgaria. If you are a smoker, you might be asked to stop well in advance of the treatment.

Also aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so it is best you avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery. The doctor will provide with additional preoperative instructions during your initial consultation session.

Recovering from Brow Lift in Bulgaria

Given that brow lift is one the least invasive facial surgery treatments in Bulgaria, patients typically recover at home for the first week. A bandage is lightly applied and worn on the head. Activity is restricted for three weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions for Brow Lift Surgery in Bulgaria

If you have questions regarding brow lift surgery in Bulgaria, find your answers here.

How long will I be in surgery?

Brow lift surgery should typically be completed within two hours and does not require an overnight stay.

What type of anesthesia is used during Brow Lift surgery?

Brow lift is a simple, outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization. The type of anesthesia used in Brow Lift surgery is local anesthetic and light sedation.

How long will I need to stay in Bulgaria after my surgery?

Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within 10 days, some sooner, depending on the technique used in the treatment and your own rate of recovery.

How long does it take to recover from Brow Lift?

Since the healing process is gradual. You may have to wait several weeks in order to see the final results. Additional subtle improvements may occur over several months following the surgery.

Will my incisions from Brow Lift be visible?

The surgical technique used in Brow Lift will be made on the scalp so they will be as invisible as possible.